I'm by no means a Twitter or social media expert. But I write this article just
to ventilate about the growing number of annoying twitter interactions I
experience lately. A lot
Hi everyone. I finally decided to create my own place on the world wide web.
Until now I blogged on Medium [https://medium.com/@john.opdenakker], but for
several reasons I decided it&
Like I’ve written in my previous blog
[https://johnopdenakker.com/more-suspicion-for-better-security/] a healthy dose of suspicion
can help to make better security decisions.
Whenever I doubt about the security of a particular
I’m overly paranoid about every unsolicited communication. Whilst a lot of
friends and colleagues probably think I’m crazy, a healthy dose of caution
largely reduces your risk of being compromised. In
Today it’s world backup day. An ideal moment to reflect on your backup strategy
and potentially further improve it. In this short write-up I’ll give some tips
to help you.