I saw this tweet from Paul Barton. And he is right. These are really terrible
security questions.
> These have to be some of the worst “security” questions I have ever seen!
1. Inventory your user accounts and remove unused ones
2. Change weak and reused passwords
3. Enable 2FA and make sure you configure backup options
Once in a while you should
What might be a benign discussion on Twitter yesterday about password managers
triggered me to write this post about a phenomenon that has bothered me for a
long time already. So, in short,
Do you know how many user accounts you have? Because I use a password manager, I
> Do you know all sites for which you registered an account? Could you please
I was reflecting a bit about the plans I made for 2019
[https://johnopdenakker.com/my-year-in-infosec/]. I think it's useful to evaluate the goals
you've set every once in