With the blogs in this series I want to reach not only my typical audience,
security professionals, but especially less security aware people to help them
improve their personal security. If you think
With the blogs in this series I want to reach not only my typical audience,
security professionals, but especially less security aware people to help them
improve their personal security. If you think
With the blogs in this series I want to reach not only my typical audience,
security professionals, but especially less security aware people to help them
improve their personal security. If you think
I regularly get questions about how to build a career in information security. I
decided to do a short write-up with some tips and resources because I think
there's a need
It took me a while, but here's finally a recap of BSides Manchester
[https://www.bsidesmcr.org.uk]. Together with my mates from the Beerfarmers we
gave a talk named "